He: Shark attack.
Me: What???
He: Shark attack.
Me: What??? (it had already been a long day)
He: Sinkhole.

- This bracelet was made by Juliet of the Crafty Green Poet blog. She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland and frequently takes us along with her on nature walks. I noticed her Etsy shop link and visited. She creatively "repurposes" materials, making them into one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry. That's the pretty bracelet I got, above. Do visit Juliet's blog when you can - especially if you love Edinburgh as much as I do.
- This is what my coworkers and I are counting on. :) In a fit of boredom yesterday (we are slow this week at work), Joanne went across the street to the commercial bakery (which also sells by the slice) and brought back cake. (Image spotted on facebook.)
Thanks for featuring my bracelet - glad you like it!
As to the poster about cake, on the other hand, the more you weigh, the slower you'll be able to run when the zombies attack.....
Shark attack has made me smile.
Love that bracelet.
And I am safe from being kidnapped. Which is good to know.
Ha, ha that is one funny cop. I saw the picture of the sinkhole on the TV. Glad no one was hurt, it looked scary.
I love that bracelet, will remember to look at it. Never been to Edinburgh but would love to go. My father in law was sent there as a child during World War II to escape bombing in London, he was there for 2 years. Therefore, it is special to me for that reason alone.
Hi Lynn - sink holes are appearing 'all over' ... but glad everyone is safe ... I guess the poor cop was fed up with being asked ... enjoy that cake - and the bracelet is pretty - cheers Hilary
That would wake anyone up with a jolt...falling into a sinkhole!!!
I'm going to follow the advice given on that sign to the letter...starting now!
I felt pretty safe until Crafty brought up a Zombie attack. Can't win for losing.
We are addicted to cake at my workplace too. And cookies. And chocolate. Well, anything that's sinfully delicious, really.
Do you usually drive on the street with the sink hole? I hate those things!!!
Was there a Shark-Nado too? Lovely bracelet, n business idea! Funny sign, that makes sense too! But on the down-side, you make a bigger target!
A sinkhole! Scary. Love that sign...
Shark attack! :-) I like a cop with a sense of humour.
I also like cake. Mmmm... cake....
Sadly, most of the real uniformed enforcement peoples that I've come across have no sense of humor. Glad to hear you came across one who had.
Father Nature's Corner
a hole
it rolled
4 cakes were sold
I like cake, but the scales don't.
Sinkholes freak me out a little. How sad to see your house just slip away forever down a dark hole. Maybe the shark is there to greet you at the bottom of the hole?
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