Friday, March 17, 2017

Spring forward, lovely read and beauties

The sky never seems to disappoint at this little corner of the world in northwest Atlanta.  The week after daylight savings time sprang to be, I left for work in the darkness and arrived to work to these pink puffed beauties.

Leonora wrote about her latest good reads in a recent blog post.  I'm listening to this one during my commute.  I told a friend at work this morning that I'm smiling during the drive and not obsessing about traffic.  It's a  lovely story about a widower who finds a charm bracelet that belonged to his late wife and embarks on a journey to find out more about her past and even more about himself. 

It was a chilly morning last Saturday when friend Laura and I walked in the park and caught up with life.  She never questions why I stop to snap photos with my phone and encouraged me to get this close up of the buds of this flowering tree.  We dropped into the 20s (f) this week - so cold.  I hope these lovelies survived.

Spring is around the corner.  Sigh.


Elephant's Child said...

Love that sky - and the plant. The book sounds right up my alley too. Have a wonderful weekend.

Lee said...

This morning I woke to light rain and heavy fog, but both have now disappeared...unfortunately!! :)

LL Cool Joe said...

Does Laura know you have a blog? If I photograph something my family always asked me if the photo is for my blog. :D

I love that first photo with the car that matches the colour scheme! Have a great weekend Lynn!

Lynn said...

EC -

Thank you - the book is a light read (or in my case, listen) - I'm enjoying it very much.

Lee -

You and I are the same - I never mind that kind of moody weather.

Joe -

Laura does not know I have a blog - a couple of friends have discovered it, mostly when I commented on their blogs and the link to mine was present.

That car belongs to the solar company across the street - they love that orange!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Spring can't get here fast enough for me. I'm tired of winter.

sage said...

We have had some chilly weather this week, but I am hoping it keeps the flowers blooming longer--this has been a beautiful spring.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lynn - the pink clouds are always gorgeous to see ... we're back to cooler weather - but it is getting lighter and our daylight is just a week away! Love the longer evenings ...

I wonder what the tree is ... I too hope it survives ... our blossoms, bulbs etc are coming out and shortly the greening will appear ... cheers Hilary

Granny Annie said...

Lynn, I love the photos and am also ready for spring. It just so happens we have not had any winter hardly. While that is good it is also bad because I got rid of my chickens to keep from having to go out and take care of them in the cold.

Will look for the audio book you are reading. I hope it will be available for me to download at the library.

Lady Fi said...

It's minus degrees here, and still quite chilly.. but I love the promise of spring in the air. Your pink clouds are a delight.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I do like the longer daylight myself. I should try audio books sometime, but would need a longer trip if on the road! I bet those trees will bud again!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the book sounds great. Driving in traffic can be stressful, it is nice to have the audio book on your drive. Pretty pink clouds and sky capture. The tree and blossoms look beautiful. Happy 1st day of Spring. Have a great new week ahead!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Wow this makes 3 fellow bloggers who have either read or listened to this book, Lynn -- yourself, Lee and me. I read about it in Book Page, a monthly publication provided at our local library and to my delight the library had the book. I enjoyed it immensely and hopefully others will also discover it and enjoy. And, yes, I too am glad for the evening hours being lighter, even though I don't have a commute. Sadly, the darker morning hours make me want to sleep longer now!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Beautiful clouds and it's certainly nice to see Spring coming in! Sounds like an interesting book too

Louvregirl said...

Ouuuh. Love seeing those blossoms!

Louvregirl said...

"She never questions why I stop to snap photos with my phone"

I like people like this women, too. :)

Turn The Page said...

Oh my...Spring is abit delayed here in the northeast. Can't wait till our blooms begin! Aloha!

Geraldine said...

What a lovely spring post.🌷🌷

It's a balmy 10c here on Vancouver Island and no snow. I think spring is here for sure, this time.

It's been such a weird winter, in most areas.I hope you have a lovely, warm spring.🌞