Friday, July 21, 2017

'Maters, summer beauty, and stumped

In the south, we jokingly refer to home-grown tomatoes as "'maters".  :)  These beauties came from coworker Bobby's garden.  He's been bringing in a small basket every couple of days.  Those of us without gardens pounce on them as if they are gold.  My favorite is a 'mater sandwich, but these are probably going into some ratatouille.  I'm going to try Alice Waters's recipe.  

I love the little purple petunia that popped out among the Dragon Wing Begonias next to my front door.  I am leaving for work way earlier than I used to in the morning, and find that I love the time on the front porch, in the 5am hour, watering everything so they'll be good for the day, since it's been so hot.

I've posted a pic of this guy before - the "chair" carved from a stump at Mountain Park Park.  Now it's sporting mushrooms - spotted on a gloomy sky walk last Saturday.

It's been a very busy couple of weeks work-wise, so I've been a little tired from it.  I'll be around for blog visits though.  I missed you guys!


Elephant's Child said...

Love maters. And a mater sammich is one of my favourites.
A beautiful post - and I hope your fatigue eases. Quickly.

Leonora said...

Your Dragon Wing begonia is beautiful! I've never seen one before. I can't wait for some homegrown 'maters here. Enjoy your weekend, Lynn!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lynn - lovely photos and thoughts ... fresh tomatoes from the garden -nothing better. While seeing new flowers burst through are always gorgeous - summer the bounty time ... enjoy the weekend - and I love the artistic photo - cheers Hilary

Granny Annie said...

Stopping at the farmers market this morning for some fresh "maters" to take to my sisters. Did you touch those mushrooms growing out of the tree? I have seen them before and so tempted to touch them but never have. Beautiful setting for your photo:-)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I have been wanting a tomato sandwich. Home grown "mater" are the best. Your begonia is beautiful, love the mushrooms. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You need to sit down and have a little rest on that mushroomy chair!

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm not sure I'd want to sit on that chair, but it does look nice!

I'm not a great fan of tomatoes but I am trying to make an effort to eat more of them, and I'm sure home grown ones taste a great deal better than those bought in the supermarket.

Ileana said...

I love home-grown tomatoes and those look shiny, fresh and yummy. When I was pregnant I craved grilled cheese with tomato but mostly for the tomato. I would love to grow my own!

I hope you are able to get some rest this weekend. That chair looks so cozy...a great little reading spot!

Lee said...

I always drool over your beautiful photos, Lynn. :)

Lady Fi said...

That is a great carved chair!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Still awaiting my "'maters" . Cute term! Haven't seen bees here except one or two bumbles! may have to use a paintbrush, but they are buried here. Neat seat there-

Crafty Green Poet said...

our tomatoes aren't ripe yet, but we usually have a good harvest!

Louvregirl said...

Tell us about the wonderful wooden bowl in the background. :)

Lynn said...

lg -

The bowl belonged to my late father - it was hand carved by a man who did handyman type work for them. He and my father got into a conversation one day about baking bread and so one thing lead to another and he made this for dad. The handyman had terminal cancer at the time, too.

Louvregirl said...

Thank you for sharing that, Lynn. I could sense it had significance. It is lovely, also. :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Even though we no longer have home-grown maters, there is a farmer's market in downtown Nashua on Sunday mornings and Grrenville stocked up on some this week. Today he had a mater sandwich too!

UplayOnline said...

I always drool over your beautiful photos, Lynn. :)
