- A mid-morning work errand puts me close to home, so I go by and pick up my forgotten cellphone. It is so lovely standing in my kitchen during that time of day to see the morning light play across the floor.
- Learning more about the book of Revelations at circle and reflecting how much better that lesson goes down with a petit four and some crunchy mixed nuts. :)
The petite were fine
The rose were on time
it did quite grand
with four left in hand
With no phone to call
home you did flee
the light on the floor
gave you some glee
All the end time
Gloom and despair
was made better with
the petite you shared
Lynn~ Now those are good things! :-)
I haven't had a petite four in years - they look so good!
Isn't it neat to see how the light plays differently in rooms at different times of day? I'm glad you had that chance...sometimes forgetting is a good thing :)
Petite fours are wonderful, and so pretty! There used to be a bakery in my neighbourhood when I was a kid, called The Little Pie Shoppe. I've never had baked goods like theirs anywhere else. They made a mean petite four!
Jannie wants those petit fours!! :)
Rhodes Bakery -- here I come. Well, in my mind. And in person perhaps, someday. Tho when I visit Lynn we will have at least 100 eateries to choose from, based on her awesome enticing posts. Or make that 500. Or 1000!
Oh, I h-word forgetting my phone! (The word that ends in "ate.")
Revelations can be even more revealing than ever dreamed when pastry is involved! :) Altho, truth be told, parts of Revelations scares me a bit. So I better be GOOD - to not end up in H.E. Double Hockey Sticks!
Ellis -
Ah - I like it - especially the part with glee. :) Thank you for my poem!
lg -
I'll say!
Talon -
I love my kitchen in the morning - too bad I rarely see that.
Sparkling Red -
That sounds like a wonderful childhood memory. I do love those things, too - and four of my co-workers were happy this morning. :)
Jannie -
I know - Rhodes Bakery, Mr Cs, the list is endless. Won't we have a lovely time noshing our way around Atlanta?
I think you are pretty good, no worries. But it scares me a little, too.
I love being home in the daytime. Two days a week, I get to be. :-)
Nom nom! No matter how full I am, your blog always makes me hungry. Very nice photo, too.
I don't know what those (are) taste like, but they look good! Jannie's right, you're so educational with the best goodies... I miss being awake in the bright am light myself- Some items are tough to go a day without-
Revelations is a bit of a puzzle to unravel, for sure!
FB -
I am mostly gone on the weekends, too. The last three were on the road, but this Saturday is mine! :)
Riot Kitty -
They were good - delicate and not too sweet. I do love them. Back to South Beach now.
Snaggle -
That's right - you sleep during the day. That must be hard.
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