- This peaceful street is within the area in Atlanta called the "Sweet Auburn" district. It was lovely to drive through it on a blue-sky day and to see how the buildings are being preserved, rather than torn down in lieu of glass buildings.

- In the center of it all is Ebenezer Baptist Church, standing for more than 121 years. It was here, from the pulpit of the Heritage Sanctuary, that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached his ministry of nonviolence. The sign asking that cars yield to bicycles is a tribute to the gentle spirit of the neighborhood.

- Due to church growth, this much larger church building now resides just across the street. The King Center for Nonviolent Change is just behind it.
And so, feeling refreshed after my lunch hour drive, I turn onto Freedom Parkway and head back to work.
Cars should always yield to bicycles! ;-)
I always yield to bicycles!
The weather looks great there Lynn!
Sunny and I suppose it is rather warm....
I envy you that blue sky day, Lynn!
Amazing all that history being made right where you live!
It's good that Atlanta is keeping many of it's old parts of town. It does have quite a history.
I love red brick, especially against a blue sky.
I call your drive, meditative driving. You're aware, but are mostly in the present. I have a drive I take that I love. I always feel better and refreshing after that trip.
Thanks for sharing these "3s" with us:~)
I like both glass buildings and old original ones, as long as they are in keeping with the rest of the place.
We've had a lovely warm spring day here too. :)
A drive on memory lane
Pulls me back to the now
As I head back to work
FB -
I imagine you would say that now! :)
MZ -
Me, too.
lg -
It is warm and very sunny. I have been cooped up today in my windowless cubicle though - I guess it is sunny. :)
Talon -
I agree - and I have been remiss in not photographing it before. I enjoyed that very much - lots of tour groups on walking tours around.
Sara -
It's always good to get out of the office - I love when I can take a few photos in the bargain.
Joe -
I like glass ones, too, but we have a spate of them now and they tore down some nice buildings to do it.
Ellis -
Short and sweet today! Thank you for my poem.
Imagine that, a city acting responsibly in regards to its history and its archetecture.
What a neat street.
I am online at home! Yessssss!
Nice lunch hour tour! A very pretty area. I can see all the trees budding too- I always like older buildings better- even if the new are supposedly better.
G -
When I was in Edinburgh, I was so impressed that they keep the facade of the buildings to preserve history and redo the insides. I wish there was more of that here.
Riot Kitty -
Yay - I'm glad. It's about time, huh?
Snaggle -
I met a friend for lunch that was just beyond there and couldn't resist meandering my way back to the office.
cute area!
Have you ever driven in an Auburn car?
And you have auburn hair, as I recall?
I LOVED that about Edinburg too!
xoxo agin.
I like the name, Sweet Auburn. There's such innocence and feel-good factor to it as if named by someone in a fancy mood.
Good to know cycles have fought for their inch from the motor vehicles.
The roof of the church in the last picture is intriguing.
Jannie -
Auburn from a bottle! Not as much anymore - I have gone back to sort of darkish brown. :)
Anil P -
From our National Park Service site: "The name Sweet Auburn was coined by John Wesley Dobbs, referring to the "richest Negro street in the world." Like other black communities throughout the country, Sweet Auburn's success was intricately tied to the residential patterns forced on African Americans during the early 20th century--the result of restrictive laws in southern states which enforced segregation of the races, known as Jim Crow laws. It was here that many African Americans established businesses, congregations, and social organizations."
Fortunately the area is protected as a historic landmark now.
I imagine that inside of that church soars to the ceiling.
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