Friday, January 18, 2013

It's a party, customer satisfaction and winter returns

- Great niece Mina, having a little party with her animal friends, doll friends and Thomas the Train cars.  She asked for a pink pony for Christmas and scored four of them, seen there.  :)

- Friend Marcie must get a lot of mail, as I do.  Yesterday her mailman left a note in her mailbox that said, "You don't have any mail today...unbelievable (heart)."

- And finally - the weather outside is like winter again, which is perfectly OK with me.  More fireplace time!

It's the weekend!  I hope you have a weekend filled with love and laughter!


Fireblossom said...

Now that's a mailman. He must like Marcie!

The doll and pony show is just too cute.

happygirl said...

My county closed schools for the threat of snow yesterday. Not a flake fell. A bonus 4 and a half day weekend for all the kiddos. Enjoy your long weekend, too.

LL Cool Joe said...

What a great postman!

It's snowing here right now so it looks like we'll be trapped in the house for the weekend, and it's my Dad's birthday tomorrow and I haven't got my card and present to him yet so I'm panicking a bit!

Have a good weekend Lynn! Enjoy your fireplace time!

Jannie Funster said...

Oh, what a nice mailman, eh? Very considerate.

Does she keep her ponies and trains on those neat little low shelves? I bet Mina will be a traveller, with her interest in trains. Oh the places she'll go... :)

Do you have a gas or wood fire?


Joanne said...

What a nice mailman!

Mina is so adorable!

Lynn said...

FB -

I thought that he would be afraid that she might think she had been skipped, and so left the note. I always think that I've been skipped when there is no mail. :)

happygirl -

They delayed the start of some of northern Atlanta schools. There was a bit of black ice - but I am good about not rushing when I walk, as I broke my wrist once catching my fall on ice.

No long weekend for me - this company does not observe the MLK holiday unfortunately.

Joe -

I'm sure your Dad will understand. I forgot to get Mina's birthday card in the mail and her birthday is Monday - look as if she'll be getting it on Tuesday now.

Jannie -

Her dad is in the diplomatic service for his country (Turkey), so she'll definitely be a traveler. She was born in New York City and now lives in DC. They'll probably go back to Turkey next year. She LOVES Thomas the Train.

I have a gas fireplace. The logs look real. :)

Joanne -

I think so, too. And thank you. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lynn .. I used to have a mailman who would have done that sort of thing ... we always had a laugh in the street - sadly he got ill and I moved ... but it was great to have a postman that cared ...

Now your great-niece must be having such fun playing ... wonderful photo .. Cheers Hilary

PS enjoy the weekend ... I'll curled up and keeping out of the snow .. and cold!!

Fireblossom said...

Everybody thinks they've been skipped when they don't have mail. I've even had people argue with me about it when I tell them there is nothing that day. I didn't drop it. I didn't misdeliver it. There just isn't anything. Is it that hard to believe?

Gina Gao said...

What a great mailman! Very considerate.

Riot Kitty said...

What an awesome postman! I want one like that.

Granny Annie said...

I have never understood the pony toys but they make Mina so happy I guess they don't need to be understood.

If I didn't have any mail there would be no worry because Crazy Dave, our mailman, would give me a neighbor's mail:)

We had a smidgeon of Winter last week but it disappeared quickly. I like this warm winter and can remember several in years past.

G. B. Miller said...

Winter weather in Atlanta? That is unusual.

Four pink little ponies...I'm super jealous of your grand neice. :D

Shionge said...

She is beautiful :D

Betty Manousos said...

gosh, what a beautiful little girl!

and the photo is soo adorable!
thanks for sharing:)

have a great long weekend!

big hugs~

Jannie Funster said...

I guess it takes a traveller to know one (even if mine are mostly in my dreams these days.) Kelly was WILD about trains from about ages 1 to 3, or so. I had the great fortune of taking her twice on the train from my parents' to Jim's mom's a 6 hour trek. The first time when she was 6 weeks old, the other when she was about 13 months old.

Wow, a diplomat, cool! So, they always travel with him? Or stay here some while he is gone?

LOL on FB and hard to believe there's no mail. i think we ALWAYS get some, even if just a flyer postcard, often in deep fushia with black writing.

I LOVE the USPS!!!!

And you, Lynnie-Bo-Binnie.


Snaggle Tooth said...

Mina looks so happy with her menagerie! I wonder if she'll collect Breyer model horses like I used to. Nice of the Letter Carrier to notify Marcy the mail wasn't missing.
I'd love some relax by the pretty fire time- I'm so pooped this week-end! Enjoy the rest of your week-end-

Lynn said...

Hilary -

We miss the mailman we used to have to that came to the condos - the only thing was, you had to be careful about chatting him up or you'd be there 30 minutes. :)

FB -

I get so much junk mail every day that sometimes when I open the mailbox and see nothing I'm astounded. But I wouldn't argue about it - funny.

Gina -


Riot Kitty -

I know - so fun.

Granny Annie -

It wish I could be with Mina more often and play with all those things with her.

Crazy Dave is a great name for a mailman! Hehe.

Lynn said...

G -

It's 30 degrees right now, but I'm still off to my walk in half an hour.

Aw - don't be jealous. They have pink ponies in the stores up there, too. :)

Shionge -

Thank you - she is a happy girl.

Betty -

Sadly - no long weekend for me... the printing company doesn't close for this holiday (or most holidays.) :)

Hugs to you -

Jannie -

Love you, too, Jannie Bo Bannie! I always get a flyer or something, too.

He doesn't travel really - he works in the Turkish embassy in DC right now. He was at the UN when they were in New York, so they are all together.


Snaggle -

I hope you can get some rest soon, my friend!

Sparkling Red said...

Aw, Mina is such a cutie!
That reminds me of an exchange I had with my husband this week. I was watching TV with him and there was a reference to ponies. I turned to him and asked him if he could tell me the difference between a horse and a pony. He said, well, a Pony is Little. And it's Mine. (i.e. My Little Pony) So I gently kicked him and then we looked up the real answer, which is, in fact, that a pony is little. (A pony is 14 hands high, or smaller, and a horse is taller/larger.)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Mina and her little friends are Adorable!! I love the way they are all surrounding her as if she is telling them a story. Darling!!!!

Louvregirl said...

4 ponies = a good day!!!!!!
(Love it!)

Lynn said...

Sparkling Red -

Seems as if all little ones dream of a pony. Mina is no exception. :)

OldLady of the Hills -

Yes - she does look as if she is doing that. She IS darling - thank you.

lg -

I'm sayin'! :)