Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Geese on the field, chocolate biscuits and friends for life

- Saturday morning was pretty dreary for a walk, but we went anyway, to a park in the community of Mountain Park, named appropriately enough, Mountain Park Park.  It was so soggy that the game fields were closed to all but feathered creatures (click to enlarge), who looked as if they might like to start kicking a soccer ball around.

- And much to my chagrin, my grocery store has started carrying McVitie's Digestives.  I adore them so much.  And I had just told friend Laura that the sweets had to go.  (After these are gone.)  These remaining few went nicely with a second cup of coffee for my morning break.

- Niece Amanda gave me this notebook as part of a Christmas present, saying that it made her think of me when she saw it.  I am so honored to be compared to grace, hummingbirds and flowers, but most of all that she's turned into such a good friend.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lynn - it's good you got out. Dark chocolate McVities are a favourite here ... I don't buy them ... but if they are around! Wonderful your niece is turning into a great friend .. the notebook looks a delight - Cheers Hilary

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, that's a pretty notebook!

Susan Kane said...

McVities are a favorite memory. It is always wonderful to receive a new journal for the New Year.

sage said...

Nice notebook--lots of blank pages waiting to be filled! I need to check out those cookies.

Kay G. said...

I was curious to know where this was, so I looked it up. Looks to be near Roswell, to me. And there is a great photo of a sunset over Lake Garrett, I think it said.
Looks like a pretty place! I love McVities too! :-)

Granny Annie said...

Someone put a lot of thought and imagination into naming that park. LOL. However the geese seem to not care.

McVitie's Digestives sound like medicine and I would never pick them up. Now if I ever see them I will have to try them.

I can never resist a new lovely notebook and would love that one for a journal. The problem is that i have a lot of them with only a few pages filled in.

Betty Manousos said...

good morning, lynn- i love mcvitie's digestives too! they make the perfect dessert when you're craving something not-too-sweet. they have them with chocolate as well.

that's a lovely notebook.

big hugs!

Fireblossom said...

Good morning, Lynn!

Lee said...

How sweet it is, as the wonderful Jackie Gleason used to say!

I'm sick of all the Sugar Nazis...and all the others who tell us day by day this is bad for us and that's not good for us; and then, the following week they change it all around...sometimes the following day, even!

Everything in moderation, I believe! If I want to have a sweet biscuit, some dark chocolate, licorice or whatever else takes my fancy, I'm going to!

I could drive off to the local supermarket this morning and a truck or whatever could plough/plow into me and I'd be no longer. One is dead a long time; and so will I be!

I don't to miss out on that last piece delicious chocolate or that last bit of licorice! I do want the truck to miss me, though!! :)

Snaggle Tooth said...

pretty book-cover! So diet tomorrow byeating now... good system-

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

All good things for sure, especially edibles and friendship.

LL Cool Joe said...

Well you always write with so much grace so I can see why the notebook is so appropriate.

My mother is a big fan of chocolate digestives. I buy her a pack each week.

Sparkling Red said...

I love redundant names! I live close to a Mitchell Field field, Parkview Park, and Avenue Road.