- Scrounging for change at the bottom of my purse so I can pull through the drive through at Wendy's for an afternoon iced tea, only to find that they are out. I sadly report this to coworker Joanne, who thinks iced tea sounds pretty good right then and drives up to the better supplied Chick-fil-A to get some for both of us. It hit the spot.
- A high school chorus holds their Spring concert in my church sanctuary - we can hear them singing as we have a meeting in a nearby room. As we depart - about 60 alumni are waiting quietly in the hallway around the corner. They have prepared a special song as a surprise for the long-time music teacher who is retiring.
Oh oh! I love the colored stars! Job well done, Lynn! What is it about those ol' stars...that never grow old, I wonder? :--)
Good for you with the star for exercising. A good glass of ice tea is very refreshing.
I do like the way you are bringing your writing to life and painting a wonderful picture.
I have to admit I like my ice tea during the day and evenings,
Well you are a star! Congratulations on all the exercise!
Do you work out at home or in a gym?
You are GREAT. Exercise and an ice tea treat. All good. Love the pic as well.
How can ANYplace be out of tea?? :)
And wow, awesome, awesome, awesome, on your exercise chart. I used to do that and it was a great motivator. You've so inspired me that I will start one for my voice exercises. And the month is yet young, I can put stars on today and for the 1st. Just one prob -- I actually have no printed-out calendar, I keep all my stuff in my iPhone. But I'm sure I could print out a page, and buy some stars!
What a neat calendar, all the better cos it has so many stars!
Awesome-ness on ALL those stars!!!
And...now...iced tea sounds pretty good to me, too!
Wow, you've been busy. If I were you, I'd treat myself to more than iced tea!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Only missing 8 stars all month? Way to go! What a good friend to make sure you got the iced tea! I love surprize free concerts- how wonderful for a nifty time to remember instead of a stuffy meeting! Lucky you!
lg -
My friend Barbara reminded me on the phone last night that I used to put little heart stickers - back when we used to work together. It inspired her to do star stickers. Someone gave me this batch. :)
Happy Maker -
Thank you for coming by. I like to look for the beauty and goodness in every day life - it's really there for all of us in some way.
Joe -
Thank you - I mostly walk - I have to participate in a "race" on July 4, so I am in training (sort of.) I'm up to three miles and will build up to five miles before the race (which is 6 point something miles.) I also do videos when the weather is bad or I ride my exercise bike 40 minutes. I really don't enjoy the gym, so have thrown in the towel on that.
happygirl -
Thank you - and you are great, too. :)
Jannie -
I can probably hook you up with a calendar. It is a great motivator to see the looming spaces without stars and not wanting to see them go without. :)
G -
Thank you -
FB -
Thank you - 22 out of 30 - not bad.
Cloudia -
Aloha!!! Thanks for coming by...
Snaggle -
I loved that those young adults in varying ages were waiting in the wings to surprise her. :)
it seems I running far behine
a star a day
keeps the boss away
no tea to sip
so they went to a chick
old and going away
but a song just for him today
Ellis -
I'm glad you caught up - thank you for my poem!
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