Lots of photos today of last Saturday and Sunday in New York. Thanks for indulging me and looking at all these photos. :)
- Saturday in Central Park. Lots of (attempts at) sunning and street hockey that day.

- Not to mention music!

- And festively adorned horses...

- The United Nations addition building in progress (partially hidden) with no flags flying today in front since the UN was not in session. My niece's husband works within the UN and tells me that the flags are hung in alphabetical order when flying. The Turkish flag is hung right next to the United States flag.

- Out walking on Sunday. A book I read as a Young Adult (a while back, that) talked about the lions in front of the
New York Public Library. A proud one there.

- Beautiful
Bryant Park where they used to hold
Fashion Week events (now held at
Lincoln Center.)

- A bit of media frenzy - not a good thing, but still an interesting part of our walk. We heard on the news that there was a collective cheer at 6pm in Times Square when there was no Rapture. :)

- Guess who used to live on this street???

- I can just imagine her on the steps of one of these brownstones, saying
"The calla lilies are in bloom again..." I loved that film of hers,
"Stage Door." :)
Thanks for taking this walk with me. As you can see - I loved my time in New York. Have a great weekend, y'all!
Great photos, thanks for sharing and glad you had a good time in the city.
When I first saw the pic of the brownstone, I thought Carrie Bradshaw, but I think, if memory serves, we're talking Kate Hepburn. What a treasure. I can't tell you how jealous these pics make me. Jealous in the very best way. :)
Really nice photos Lynn. I enjoyed them. I am visualizing Katharine Hepburn on those sidewalks and seeing her slip up the stairs....One of my most favorite films is 'The African Queen' :-) :-) ...Truly a five star film anyday...in my book!
...Had to google her name to find it is spelled with an "a" instead of the usual "e" in Katherine.
Awesome shots. I love Central Park. I still have vivid memories of it though it's been years since I've been to New York.
Have a fabulous weekend, Lynn - now that the world isn't ending (quite yet) we can plan on having some good times still :)
Can't help it, I am still jealous! Trying to figure out a fall trip with the little bro.
Sage -
Thank you - and I hope you have a great trip, too. I see it is coming up!
Happygirl -
Yes - Katharine Hepburn. She was a treasure.
lg -
Oh - I loved The African Queen, too!
Talon -
Some young men were walking toward us on the sidewalk Friday night and one of them said (lightheartedly), "You ladies enjoy your walk, because the world is ending tomorrow!" They all burst out laughing when I replied that I had forgotten. :)
Riot Kitty -
There is one more post with New York pics on Monday. I have easier 10 times this many. :)
Thats alotta pics! Large park- So many people tho, would drive me carzy! Always wanted a park horse-carriage ride- I feel bad for the horses...
Talking of the UN, didn't you have Turkish tea in the nifty cup again? Nice lion piece- Looking so friendly!
Alot of people t Bryant Park too! There was a guy in Times Square waiting for the end event very dissappointed! Poor guy- so sure he'd be picked a saint!
Wow, famous resident- I'm sure plenty go without a street sign!
Looks like a long n wonderful walk. Thanks for bringing us with you!
Happy week-end to you too!
Love the pictures! Thank you for sharing.
It was always a dream of mine to have the front of my home adorned by two giant lion statues. Then we moved here and someone must have hit the area with a sale on concrete lions because about every other house has a set on the porch or at the front of their driveway.
Good to see it stopped raining!
I love all the photos. We only managed a brief walk through a snow covered Central Park, and everyone was out skiing and sledging. Ah nice memories.
Hope you are having a good weekend!
Lovely photos! I love the horses and buggies. It's so sweetly old-fashioned.
Oh, Dearest Lynn,
Thank YOU for guiding us on this beautiful tour!
Love the upright bass guy! And how neat you got to see the lions of literary fame! I like the shot of the fashion park too, the trees look so happy in it.
My fave photo is the brownstones. I picture the girls on banana seat bicycles flying on past there, in my musical. And just realized that would make an excellent song to add to it!! What say? 20 songs maybe in a musical?? :) I think that makes about 7 now of mine that could weave into some kind of nutty story about a gal needing a man with a chainsaw. :) And I want you to know I'll get you a really good seat for it's Broadway Premiere!! :) And of course, 4 tickets for the afterparty.
Yes lots and lots of photos.
you did have a great time
Snaggle -
I didn't have Turkish tea this time, but did go the Timur's favorite Turkish restaurant - I love Cacik - a thick plain yogurt with finely grated cucumber and mint in it. So good on flatbread.
Granny Annie -
So you get to have a different look to your house then! :)
Joe -
I'm glad you liked the photos - I loved taking them. I miss the city already.
Sparkling Red -
Wouldn't it be fun to take one of those carriage rides? I can never get my family interested in doing that.
Jannie -
That would be an excellent video and musical. I do expect to be that woman at your play bragging that I am friends with you. I'll hold your purse at the after party. :) We can drink champagne from our slippers.
Ellis -
I did indeed.
Beautiful photos of one of my favorite cities in the world. I'd love to visit again and be a part of all that street fun!! Lucky you!
Ily -
Street fun is a good way to put it - I love it there, too.
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