- A bar at the top of the web page has this wonderful message: Funds raised for literacy & libraries: $ 9,612,975.23.
- Most of all, though - I love the email that came with the personal message from my book (pictured above):
Hello Lynn,
(Your book asked to write you a personal note - it seemed unusual, but who are we to say no?)
Holy canasta! It's me... it's me! I can't believe it is actually me! You could have picked any of over 2 million books but you picked me! I've got to get packed! How is the weather where you live? Will I need a dust jacket? I can't believe I'm leaving Mishawaka, Indiana already - the friendly people, the Hummer plant, the Linebacker Lounge - so many memories. I don't have much time to say goodbye to everyone, but it's time to see the world!
I can't wait to meet you! You sound like such a well read person. Although, I have to say, it sure has taken you a while! I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but how would you like to spend five months sandwiched between Jane Eyre (drama queen) and Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (pyromaniac)? At least Jane was an upgrade from that stupid book on brewing beer. How many times did the ol' brewmaster have one too many and topple off our shelf at 2am?
I know the trip to meet you will be long and fraught with peril, but after the close calls I've had, I'm ready for anything (besides, some of my best friends are suspense novels). Just five months ago, I thought I was a goner. My owner was moving and couldn't take me with her. I was sure I was landfill bait until I ended up in a Better World Books book drive bin. Thanks to your socially conscious book shopping, I've found a new home. Even better, your book buying dollars are helping kids read from Brazil to Botswana.
See you soon -
Freedom by Jonathan Franzen
This is the post that disappeared on Black Thursday last week. It never did come back - it must have been having a good time floating around the blogosphere. :) So I copied it from Google Reader. And speaking of good times: I am off on a trip to New York City for a long weekend. I'll be back posting next Tuesday and I hope you have a great weekend. I might see if I can get on a computer somewhere to check in on you before then. Cheers!
Oh, that note is priceless!
Thank you for this link Lynn, I will check it out. Wonderful note also!
lg :-)
I love talking books. And, talking books with an acerbic wit. Enjoy and thank you for this.
Ha ha what a great note!
Lynn, blogger was down for me too, most of the morning. I think there were problems after a normal maintenance cleanup. I lost my name as well, so I think in the process of trying to sort things out it must have viewed me as a new blogger so it looks like I'm stuck with my profile saying I started blogging this month which is pretty sad really as it's over 4 years now. I'm just glad everything else seems ok and I still have my old posts!
ps. I have to leave comment moderation on at the moment as I have an issue with someone leaving nasty transphobic messages. Nice. :/
FB -
I know - how do you get a job at a place like that, where people (I mean, books) have such a sense of humor?
lg -
I see those bins around and plan to recycle this one back to BWB.
hg -
Yes - I do, too. And I'm looking forward to reading that book.
Joe -
Isn't it? And I'm sorry for the three comments I left - you can delete two of them. :) I was flustered with blogger this a.m. and the comment moderation thing didn't register the first time. I am so disgusted to hear that someone is leaving you unkind messages.
Oh - and I just checked. My stats say that I have been on blogger since May 2011, as well.
i hop my jannie dont reed this, she mite be offendid by the about the beer brewing kommint. she love beers. and brewing. and thermodymaniks!
i just kidind, just kiding.
i lieks yor soshil conshintz, lynns!
my jannie so happee todae... she now haz 4 happee faces on she noo kalendir in the may month. and she listening to the cheeftins, wich making she feets danse at the tabel.
my jannie haz a very very very very nise frend in atlanta.
Nice reading glasses!
WalMart? Or dollar store like mine?
Gee, I think I'd buy books from Better World Books just to get one of those notes.
Someone is very clever. I adored that note. I guess they can't who wrote since it's supposed to be from the book, but whoever did...wow, it was great. This made my day. I can't to order books from them.
My favorite part was "How's the weather where you live? Will I need a dust jacket? LOL that's really good.
Thanks for sharing this:~)
Have a great trip!
Nice to see the post again! Have a great trip!
So did you write your book back? Let's hear that letter. Have a safe and fun trip to NYC.
A book of freedom
still it sent a note
Now with a home
I'm sure it will gloat
Lost in the E-world
just floating around
At last, back home
where it you found
That book letter is priceless! And what a great site to purchase books from.
Safe and fun travels, Lynn!
Hahaha, I love when a book speaks to you.
Have a great trip. I'm glad you put this back up. I loved that letter. That's one of most clever advertisements I've seen. It makes me want to order a book, just to get the letter:~)
Oh my word, Lynn. Have a truly great trip! Looking forward to your thoughts and your photos when you get back!
lg :-)
Have fun! I'm jealous.
I'm on a wait list for that book, too!
Have a great trip!
gosh, maybe you'll read my little novel someday...
enjoy your journey-
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
This was the lost post? Lucky you had it in a reader to find- It IS a good one!
Some one did some good writing to invent a letter from your book! I wonder if you's get the same one upon another order- Still very cute. Hope you enjoy the book. I almost always buy my books to read. I hate giving them back!
Have a great visit to the Big Apple!
I like the personal note from a book!
Hey -
The old comments came back! Wonder why? But yay.
BB -
I'm in New York City right now, where there are many beers. :) I've had a few. Tell your Jannie it's all good.
Jannie -
Nope - I get those glasses at a shop in North Carolina where there are so many cool ones that I ended up with lots. :)
Sara -
Yes - the marketing for that site is great. I hope you order books from them.
FB -
Thanks - it has been fun!
Joe -
I am loving it - home tonight.
May 23, 2011 8:26 AM
Actually my name is Carla said...
Granny Annie -
No - I didn't, but that would have been a good idea. :)
Ellis -
Thank you for my poem! Another good one.
Talon -
Thank you and I am having a lovely trip.
Happygirl -
I'm glad you like it.
Sara -
Yes - you got to comment twice - thanks for that. :)
May 23, 2011 8:29 AM
Snaggle -
It is so neat. :)
Sage -
Me, too.
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