Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Did it, got the shirt and celebration

- This was the view in front of me at the 2011 Peachtree Road Race. The trek down Peachtree Street into Piedmont Park in Atlanta was 6.2 miles on a hot, humid morning. Favorite moments: walking briefly with a 90-year-old man and his daughter (his shirt read: I'm 90 and I just passed you!), a woman walked in the road race for the first time in six years - she is still recovering from a spinal injury and did the race wearing leg braces, and me running across the finish line with coworker Joanne.

- And here's the proof - the shirt, the marked number and a "Howard's Heroes" sweatband (still damp this morning.) Consumer advocate Clark Howard is always at the end of the line and this was a fun reward for being back there with him. :)

- This email message from friend Barbara D, who considers me like one of her own kids: "Been thinking of you all day. We always turn the TV on and watch the race. We didn't see you. Hope you had a wonderful day and didn't get ill. Barbara" No - there was no illness, but I did come home and sleep for two hours before going off to a fun dinner to celebrate the 4th of July. A day I'll always remember.


Fireblossom said...

Holy Schmoley, that's a lot of runners! Where am I supposed to put my easy chair? ;-)

Louvregirl said...

Wow Lynn! I am impressed (girl!) How many runners were there altogether? If you care to share (and believe me; you need to be proud of your finishing, whatever the place here...)what place did you finish (or what was your time?) Also, in miles, how far was it? Sorry but I am intrigued and this fill me with questions!! Oh, also...what was the temperature during the race? It must have been sweltering!

Louvregirl said...

Went back and read more...got the 6.2 miles :-)

Lynn said...

FB -

You would have been in good company! There were easy chairs all along the way - most people were cheering from their chairs holding adult beverages. :)

lg -

There were more than 60,000 people registered and 55,090 people finished. It was split almost evening male / female.

I finished 51,980 in 1:55:47. It was so humid that most people were walking. It was 6.2 miles. It was in the high 70s when we started, but it was extremely humid. There were thunderstorms in the late afternoon yesterday and that cooled everything off. It was nice out early this morning (of course.) :)

happygirl said...

You are my HERO. I am in awe of your commitment to participate and FINISH. You GO girl.

Ileana said...

Happy to hear you had a fun dinner and a happy 4th!

Sounds like you met up with some inspirational people. Love the 90 year old guys shirt! How funny!! :D

Sparkling Red said...

60,000 runners?! My goodness. Congratulations to you. I'm very impressed. The only race I ever run is the 20 meter sprint to the bus stop.

Lance said...

Wow!! Look at all those people!!!

And - so, so awesome - YOU, out there and doing it!! Big big CONGRATS!!!!

Maude Lynn said...

Way to go, Lynn!

Cloudia said...


Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral


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G. B. Miller said...

Congrats on finishing and seeing it to the end.

Lynn said...

happygirl -

Thank you! When I finished yesterday, I swore off ever doing that again, but now I'm already thinking that next year I really could be so much better prepared.

Ily -

I was amazed at the people who participated - the wheelchair competition is particularly inspiring.

Yes - I was so pleased to be with my best friends later in the day.

Sparkling Red -

I can't say I was really racing with anyone, but I did pass a few people.

Lance -

Thanks, my friend.

MZ -


Cloudia -


G -

Yes - my family had a giggle down in Florida that I might be sitting on a curb somewhere and not finishing. So glad I could report that I did.

Riot Kitty said...

Nice job! Love the 90-year-old guy's shirt.

Lynn said...

Riot Kitty -

Me, too. Thanks, friend!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Wow, what a pic! Such a mass of moving folks- remindes me of the Boston Marathon sights- Great to hear an older person can still make the trek!
Nice Wardrobe Weds clothes- Clark Howard is so nice to do that!
Thoughtful of Barbara to remember to look for you- you celebrity!
I always look for my brother on the marathion sidelines, n only saw him once for a second in the many years of watching-
Hope your feet are recovering well.

Lynn said...

Snaggle -

For some reason, I've been ravenously hungry since that race. Other than that - I've recovered. I'm planning to walk this afternoon as usual.

Granny Annie said...

Congratulations on making the finish line! I would have been reading the back of everyone's t-shirt just before I hit the dirt.

LL Cool Joe said...

Wow well done! I missed this post! My partner ran the London Marathon a couple of times. 26 miles in just over 3 hours.

I watched. :D

Lynn said...

Granny Annie -

I'll bet you could do it. Thanks for the congrats. :)

Joe -

26 miles - I'll probably never want to do that. Good for your partner!