- A friend's excitement upon going to the glamorous Fox Theatre for the first time. A movie, "The Way Home" was filmed in his neighborhood and they were all invited to the premiere. He talked college sports with Dean Cain for about two minutes; women were lining up for photos and he was edged out.
- A co-worker's husband drops by to bring her roses for their 20th wedding anniversary. Twenty roses - she beamed all day.
I bet Dean Cain enjoyed his college sports talk - must get boring to have women drooling over you all the time ;)
Awww, how sweet! It's wonderful to have the flowers to enjoy while working.
I guess the golf course is hosting a whole new set of battles now!
Yes - all the drooling. The film is about a missing child and it actually happened to my friend's neighbor. He said he caught a glimpse of his house and lawn in the film and was glad the grass had been cut.
She is wearing a top that exactly matches the red roses today. They smell wonderful.
There were some golfing battles off to the right, but I liked this shot the most. The trees are almost too perfect. But a better place to eat than my cubicle at work. :)
That hubby sounds as sweet as mine!
That's nice that your hubby does things like that, Jannie. Getting flowers at work is so much fun, I think.
He got me a new kitchen sink and taps for mothers Day, installed. Nice!
That's nice...
It was very nice indeed. The old sink had been on the Hesperus.
Hesperus? I would google but my computer is slow. :)
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