- Knocking on a nice neighbor's door asking for help with my computer, knowing that she will know what to do. She does help and later knocks on my door to see if all went as hoped.
- Noticing a trend in roadside objects. Chairs. This morning it was a nice looking office chair sitting to the side of the expressway. Yesterday - a Barcalounger. What's that about?
Mine came with a few assorted ring tones as well.
The one I use the most, simply because it annoys the most, is a big band/ska ring tone.
Thing is so loud that I can usually hear it through my pants pocket.
That is funny, G. Most of the time I see people frantically trying to answer the phone because of the embarrassing loud tone, so that's what I was trying to avoid. The bad news is - I can't hear it from room to room now.
I can't see a roadside shoe without thinking of you!
And I see that all the time still! And now chairs! What's that about? Shoe flinging. Chair flinging.
I imagine someone arriving at their destination in their pickup truck saying, "d*mn! where's my chair?"
This past winter I saw more mittens and gloves (always a single one, never a pair) on the road, in parking lots...all over the place. And now it's shoes. Today I saw an abandoned sandal sitting on the side of the road. And yet I see few one-armed, one-legged people...strange...
Hi Talon -
True! And I saw a stray sneaker in the middle of the road yesterday.
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