- Chronicling some of the architecture and history of my home town of Milledgeville, Georgia, the capital of Georgia when Civil War was declared. Milledgeville has the distinction of being the only city other than Washington, DC to be designed as a capital city. (The capital was moved to Atlanta during reconstruction.)
- A rare dinner out with just sisters, all arriving from three different directions to help out during a health crisis;* mom saying it was like the cavalry was coming.
* My dad is ill and in the hospital, but expected to make a full recovery.
Looking at that house, you can see where the term "stately home" came from! The proportions are beautiful.
Sisters do seem to make a commotion, don't they? (I have 2)
I'm glad your father is doing well. Best wishes for his speedy recovery!
Thank you Talon. I have 2 sisters as well - no brothers (except 2 wonderful brother-in-laws, who are like brothers.)
I've been in Milledgeville so much lately on the weekends that I am photographing buildings, etc. that I like when I'm there. I purposefully drive through the historic district during errands because it is so beautiful.
Thank you for the well wishes - he has pneumonia, which has hit him pretty hard.
Was Flannery O'Conor related to Jimmy Stewart?
Hi Jannie -
No - not related to him. Have you read one of her stories yet? I want to hear your take on them.
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