- More yumminess. Friend Leisa dropped by my office with cookies left over from a seminar her company gave at a function for seniors. We scarfed them down like anteaters. :) Their company specializes in "aging-in-place" home renovations for seniors, allowing them to live in their homes instead of assisted living facilities. A good thing, for sure.
- Wishing a wonderful concert this Sunday in Austin, Texas to Jannie Funster, who routinely makes my day. This comment from G on her blog: "Yay! I’m friends with a musician who has an actual product of music out. I’m a semi-somebody now!" I feel the same way.
I'm glad I leave such memorable quotes for people comment about on their blog.
Actually, this makes the second musician that I personally know that has a product of music out.
A very good co-worker of mine's now incredibly talented 18 year old daughter, put out a very nice CD back when she was about fourteen.
It made me chuckle (the semi-somebody part) and then think, "I feel exactly the same way." Keep the comments coming, G. :)
I'm sooooo jealous! Key lime pie is my fav - and usually what I request for my birthday "cake". This one looks scrumptious!
Hi, Lynn, coming to you via Jannie. She's terrific, isn't she? And I just know she's had a wonderful and successful launch party tonight!
I've got a sweet tooth so I'm starting to salivate over here!
Welcome, Talon! I recognize your name from Jannie's comment section. She is terrific and I know the launch party went great. Can't wait to hear her CD.
Is there a Bahama Breeze near you? That is where the pie came from - delicious.
Your blog is gorgeous. I'll stop back by later and have a more lengthy read. I post very early and then go to work. But I usually find time during lunchtime to visit blogs.
Thank you, Lynn. Unfortunately, there are no Bahama Breezes in Canada. I'll just have to live vicariously...
I'm really enjoying your blog. I love the positivity and the neat observations.
Thank you Talon - and I love visiting your blog, too. Particularly the post from a few days ago of the tabby cat in the garden.
That's my infamous tabby, Stripey. He's ten and still has the soul of a kitten. He's my shadow.
I have a similar shadow - Sophie. She is a red-orange tabby who is 16. I love tabby cats.
And now that I have MY FABULOUS NEW P.O. BOX I too am a semi-somebody!
Thanks for the shout!
And I'm just so thrilled you and Talon have hit it off - as I knew you would!
Oh and THAT PIE, I could just dive into one and never resurface. I'm pretty sure we have a Bahama Breeze here too.
Yes - I like Talon very much. And you deserve a slice of that pie!
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