Monday, September 28, 2009

At the junction, soul of a house and memorabilia

- My family's home in Milledgeville, Georgia is at the junction of where the 20th and 14th corps converged 145 years ago. It is easy to imagine 30,000 men camping on property around the bubbling creek that runs through it.

- Sitting in the kitchen and reflecting how odd it is to be alone in a house so recently filled with voices and laughter. Sharing this with a wise friend, she remarks, "The soul of a house...a house truly does carry the emotions of those who've dwelled under its eaves..."

- Finding a plastic bag marked "Lynn," it contains a book of prose, a buckeye and an envelope that contains a batch of newsletters I used to edit. So touched that my mother saved every one of those newsletters...


Lance said...

The words "bubbling creek" conjure up thoughts of my grandparents home when I was a child. Very good memories! And wow, that's quite a convergence - 30,000 men!

Lynn said...

Lance -

We used to play in the creek, but after mom spotted a snake down there it was off limits. :) It is still very beautiful with wild blackberry brambles around. I'm glad I could be a party to conjuring up memories for you!

Cathy said...

that's heartwarming your mom saved all those newsletters!

TALON said...

Again, I'm struck by how neat great mothers are. And while we usually tease them for being overly sentimental, there are times when it's just what we need. What a wonderful reminder of how proud your mother is of you, Lynn!

Lynn said...

Cathy -

Wasn't that lovely? I suspect you will do the same kind of thing.

Talon -

Indeed - it was just what I needed. And she is adorable herself.

Jannie Funster said...

Sweet mama! I save all Kelly's stuff.

LL Cool Joe said...

How great that your mother kept all those things. :) I've produced a few paintings for my parents over the years, and they've kept all of them. :)

It's strange how it's just the little things in life that mean so much. :)

Riot Kitty said...

That is sad and sweet.

Maude Lynn said...

How lovely that your mother did that!

Lynn said...

Jannie -

She is sweet and also funny. I'm glad you save Kelly's stuff - she'll appreciate that one day.

Joe -

The little things do mean so much.

Riot Kitty -

This post was meant to be sort of an early goodbye to the house. I was there to pick up a few things and the next time I'm there will be to pack up the house with siblings so we can sell it. Mom and Dad have cheerfully moved to a beautiful new community where the food is great, there is no yardwork and there is always a card game going. Sounds pretty good actually.... :)

Mama Zen -

It was lovely. She has always been so proud of us.

Cookie said...

Wow! Finding that bag must be very special. Always great to go home.

Lynn said...

Cookie -

Yes - it was very special. The historical marker was kind of an interesting experience. I had never stopped to read it before - it is positioned in the corner of a field. So I pulled over on the highway, put the car's emergency flashers on and immediately a sheriff's car pulled in behind me. He got out of the car, strolled over and said, "You OK, sweetie?" I told him I am OK (resisting the urge to call HIM sweetie back.) :) And then made my way through a muddy field, dodging big ant beds. Oh that was a mess - but got my picture and took my leave...

Snaggle Tooth said...

Leave it to Mom to hang onto the dear things from childhood- I have my daughters stuff still, myself!

I hope the ghosts of all those guys doesn't march thru every so often! Ya know, some believe our spirits can always find the last place we lived- n I think it becomes part of the soul of the house...

Lynn said...

Snaggle -

Oh my - hope that doesn't mean my soul will be attached to these condos!