- An appointment at a company in a building that looks firmly industrial, but walking in to an oasis of calm, low light and a long hallway with doorways painted the colors of jewels, each a different color. I was told to go to the purple door and there she would be.
- From the MSN home page regarding traits of Aquarians, "On one hand, you'll see someone who is shy and quiet. On the other, an Aquarius can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic." I am somewhere squarely in the middle of all that, but definitely a little eccentric. :)
Yay! for the biscuits - they are soooo good!
I love when something unexpected happens like when you went in that building. That's neat! And, unless you're color blind like my hubby, that's an awesome way to direct people around.
You'll laugh, but the only Aquarian I know is Riley - lol! And he definitely comes off as very reserved until you get to know him.
Talon -
They have McVittie's, too, but they cost a little more. I think they taste about the same. I've been going to a place across town to get them, so I'm happy to have some readily available.
I loved the unexpectedness of that, too. And now you know two Aquarians, me and Riley. :)
Ha ha and there's me walking by the biscuits every time I go shopping! We do eat them occasionally. My father loves them and dunks them in his mug of tea. :D
I'm an Aquarian too!
Joe -
I like them because they are not too sweet.
Hmmm - wonder when your birthday is?
Digestive biscuits by Cadbury? Where have these been all of my life?
YUM!!! I love Cadbury. My friend's wife works in their ingredients selection department - I think she's actually doing marketing but I would love that job! I'd probably also not fit into my pants, but you know...
Mama Zen -
I know and they are yummy.
Riot Kitty -
What a great job she has! Maybe you would get tired of chocolate after a while. Not.
My birthday is on the anniversary of Buddy Holly's death, the 3rd of February.
Joe -
An interesting way to remember it. Mine is the 4th - same day as Alice Cooper's birthday. :)
My closest friend is an Aquarian, and she falls somewhere more toward the shy side -- most of the time. But I've seen her light up a party, too. :)
Is it your b-day, Lynn, by any chance?
F. loves McVittie's and introduced me to them a couple of years ago. I find them rather bland, but I'm glad whenever my friends are happy. :)
Ah, just read *all* the comments and get your answer. ;)
Oh, I would love those biscuits, must check to see if I can get them here.
And a real oasis indeed. One never knows what beauty lurks behind austere exteriors.
hmm, never tried one- wondering why named "Digestive"? will look for them.
I love non-static elements like those doors.
It helps to recognize traits in those descriptions- but not limit yourself to them! You n Joe got alot in common, n are both great bloggers too-
Meredith -
I like those biscuits because they are kind of bland, but better with the chocolate on them.
Jannie -
You can generally find them at shops that specialize in British things. Or Publix if you have them in Texas.
Beauty lurking - I like that thought.
Snaggle -
Thank you for saying that - it makes my day!
Looks quite tempting!
Lazy Bird
Bhavesh -
Absolutely. Thank you for stopping by...
Thats the #1 reason that I LOVE going to Florida!
G-man -
Yes - a wealth of them, too. There is a Publix about a mile from my office and two that are about a mile in either direction of my home. Love Publix.
See if they have Yorkie bars from England. They are like a thousand and some calories, they're insane! They even have that circle-slash international symbol on the wrapper, with a stick woman in it, and it says "not for girls!" Completely nuts, but funny.
Fireblossom -
That sounds like a challenge I would take. :) I'll definitely look for them.
yay a bit of here's made it's way there!
Whitney -
I've been buying them at a shop in Norcross that sells British things, but it's too far away. So this was thrilling to me. :)
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