- A nice wait-person has a beautifully done tattoo that features a colorful peacock feather that goes from inside wrist to elbow.
- Smiling at the suggestions on my Netflix queue - often leading back to movies from the 1940s. Today it is pushing Alfred Hitchcock films and one of my favorites "Notorious."
A little syncronicity at play with the Alfred Hitchcock movies coming up. :)
That soup sounds so delicious - especially the fresh avocado!
Talon -
Yes - I am enjoying that notoriety. :)
The soup was delicious and had just the right amount of spiciness needed to make me feel better from my chest cold.
BTW - I could not get my photo for today out of my camera for some reason, so opted for a photo I took back in the summer when I was at Bone Garden with yet another client.
I'm like you, I love love the old films. Especially Doris Day, Jimmy Stewart, etc.
Have you seen "It Happened One Night"?
I so want to go to that cantina! Are you feeling better this week?
Jewel -
It Happened One Night is one of my favorites! And I love the clothes women wore back then - well, not all of them, but the suits seemed to be cut so chic-ly.
Riot Kitty -
It is a favorite place - they seem to have a zillion kinds of tequila. I guess that might be a weekend excursion sometime. :)
Yes - I am better, but my voice still sounds like Lauren Bacall.
bones on the ceiling...
bones on the ceiling...
loooooking so weird.
i alweys wonted to be a biker bunny. maybe it's not too laet for me? my jannie seys i can be ennything if i tries.
Ah, that soup sounds like just what the doctor ordered :) And I bet that tattoo was something; peacock feathers are so lovely. I admire the people who have that kind of pain tolerance just for beauty.
Lovin' that sculpture! Reading your post has made me hungry. We are snowed in and I'm getting fed up with eating toast.
I thought "Notorious" was a song by Duran Duran. Shows what I know!
I'm a Netflix groupie, too. They recommended "Vertigo" so I watched it. I wasn't that thrilled with it, but I did like Kim Novak and became a fan of hers. late to the party again, that's me. ;-)
PS--the soup sounds heavenly, and who doesn't love those skellies?
Blue Bunny -
I know that song. And your Jannie is correct! :)
Meredith -
Tattoos. I always admire them, but wouldn't want one myself. Hers was especially lovely though.
Joe -
I like to take clients there for lunch because there is so much to look at and talk about. If you have time - look at the photos on the website on how it came together.
Sorry you are snowed in - wish I could send you some of that soup!
Fireblossom -
Welcome! And I am often late to the party myself. :)
My most favorite Hitchcock film is North by Northwest. And I was home sick last week and watched Marnie with Tippi Hedren. I had never seen that one.
The Bone Garden Cantina looks awesome!
Ugh, I hate that about Netflix.
But the food sounds scrumptious. I love avocado :)
Cookie -
I love avocado, too. Yum. And I am good with the Netflix suggestions - they have pegged me just right - kind of left of center. :)
Mama Zen -
It is awesome. We have so many good little places like that around the area I work.
It's funny, but I actually enjoy looking at tattoos. Some of the arwork that I've seen is downright exceptional.
The soup sounds really good.
Alfred Hitchcock is just the thing to explore the deep recesses of your mind with.
G -
I like tattoos, but within a certain reason. Some are very artistic.
One of my favorite parts of the Hitchcock films is watching for the Hitchcock cameo.
The soup sounds delicious...especially on a cold, cold day (which we have plenty of right now!!).
Lance -
I know - and it has been crazy cold here for the south - 18 degrees this week as I drive in to work and ONLY 24 (they say) this morning. We're used to about 50 here this time of year.
Hi Lynn, Came over from the Jungle, I cannot believe how could it is where you live! More pozole I say!! This is a very "cool" post, I enjoyed it!
Hi Audra!
I look forward to visiting your blog. Any friend of Lance's is a friend of mine. Yes - and it is snowing right now!
Wish I could eat spicy food sometimes. That'll keep you warm!Interesting Tatoo- don't have any of those. Haven't done any Netflix either! I'm behind the times here-
Snaggle -
Netflix is done through the mail with a monthly fee. I like it because I was spending that much at the video store anyway and this way dvds come and go in the mail. It works for me. And they give you suggestions based on past viewing.
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