- It is not really a resolution, just a coincidence in timing, that I am eating better, ie. no fast food. And loving my mid-morning snack of a pear and slice of white Vermont cheddar cheese. Yum.
- Returning to Wednesday night dinners at the church after a long absence and feeling like Norm on "Cheers" when my name is called out from all directions.
Ahh, so sweet on the third, I bet they all just love you to pieces, as I do.
Snickers bars still making a noon appearance??
norm--he wuz the one whoo lieking beers so mutch? I thinks my jannie wotching him on tee vee wen she swilling she menny beers evvry nites.
Jannie Muffin!
You were first! I love you to pieces, too. No Snickers - trying to switch to fruit. Although I discovered some forgotten holiday Hershey's Kisses this morning in a bag. Hmmm.
Blue Bunny -
Norm was liking the beers. Like your Jannie. Hee hee.
Your snack sounds delish!
And I'm glad that's your only resemblance to Norm! ;)
Talon -
Awww - I thought Norm was kind of cute! :)
trivia bowl sounds like fun... but I'll pass on the meatloaf.
I'm trying to eat better too, and save more money. Fresh fruits and veggies can be so expensive. Makes it hard to balance :S
If I'm ever in your neck of the woods, we are so going to that cafe!
No fast food! Boy, you are good!
I want to go to that cafe too but not when R Kitty is going because she's clever and she'd beat me at the trivia quiz!
Everybody knows your name, Lynn. :)
I love the taste of pears with cheese. White cheddar is so yummy. Have you tried it with blue cheese? It's especially good with those Bosc pears. Mmmm...
Stay safe and warm in this weather! Thinking of y'all there and hoping everybody can get home all right.
Cookie -
One of my friends gave me a fruit basket and I am set for a while. (It is in the fridge.)
Riot Kitty -
Come on down and we'll go!
Joey -
Come on over and go with me and Riot Kitty to Mr C's - we'll get her to go easy on the trivia. :) Doesn't that sound like so much fun? I know!
Meredith -
Indeed I have - I love a cheese course and blue cheese is perfect with that.
Thank you - it is snowing right now and going down to 17 degrees tonight - so no driving to work at 6:30 am for me.
I love what you said about hearing your name called like Norm at Cheers. Such a great feeling. Our Church does dinners in the summer, when it's literally 110 here in Scottsdale! I'll have to find another place where everybody knows my name. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I used to like playing trivial pursuit with my sibs, didn't win much. I always want meatloaf when I see that sign. Cheeze- I love VT white Chedder, like Cabot brand. Usually with an egg on a bisquit.
I'm eating way too much chocolate.
I always think of going to some social gatherings, but am mostly too tired or too busy!
It's great to be remembered like Norm!
That mid-morning snack sounds good.
I should get back to my original mid-morning snack: natural peanut butter and sugar free jelly crackers.
Just managed to get my sugars back under control for the first time in a month, so this would be a good way to continue it.
Audra -
You have a lovely blog. I'll be back.
Well that is just the other extreme on weather - it is a dry heat, I guess, which is different than we are used to here in the south. We have all that wilting humidity. In any event, 110 is pretty darn hot.
Snaggle -
That is the brand I use - Cabots. It's pretty good. I do love meatloaf myself - same here and one of these days I'll stop for a take out on the way home.
My church has dinner every Wednesday night from September thru May. It is mostly the same crowd, but they are like family to me. There is something about putting your feet under the table with friends. I've missed that so much - I've been working 10 hour days from trying to make up for time missed from hospital excursions with dad.
G -
I am glad to hear you got your sugar under control. Your snack of natural peanut butter and jelly crackers sounds really good - I might have to try that.
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