- Visiting a building that is home to the "classic rock" radio station 100.5 FM. The visit was unrelated, but a van all painted up with the station logos pulled out of the parking deck and inspired me to switch to that station for the afternoon. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers were playing, a good choice for an afternoon drive.
- Someone who had behaved rather badly comes by to apologize. Life is good.
I'm glad life is good Lynn. I wasn't very nice to my older daughter and apologised.
We all need to say sorry from time to time.
Have a good one!
A little vintage Tom Petty is just what you need sometimes. And, an apology goes a long way to renew a relationship.
Lynn~ I especially like your last comment about the apology; wow. Now that is a good thing!
Tom Petty's got a good driving beat! :)
Saying sorry can really mean a lot more than just a simple word, can't it?
Glad it wasn't me who behaved badly! I do that sometimes. :)
BIG Tom Petty fan here.
Lovely photo! Did you go on the riverboat?
I like the picture! (I like weddings, as well)
Wow, a spontaneous apology? That is an amazing thing!
Love the last part!
Beautiful Picture! I like the ramp n boat in the foreground too. I hope you get to return there sometime. I love classic rock radio- n miss it- used to listen to WRKO in Boston growing up.
I think apologies are great when folks realize they should- so many don't!
Joe -
I'm glad you did that - it's hard to do sometimes though.
hg -
Tom Petty has such a wonderful voice, I loved that he was one. :)
lg -
Absolutely a good thing, my friend!
Talon -
I agree!
Jannie -
You never behave badly! And no - I lunched with family and perused sidewalk art. My brother-in-law loves the ships on the river and we all hung out there for a while so he could gaze and dream.
FB -
I like weddings, too, but the destination variety turns into a few more $$$ - this kid had her heart set on Savannah though and there was a lovely reception in one of the downtown parks.
SR -
Probably not so spontaneous, but at least it happened. :)
Riot Kitty -
Me, too. :)
Snaggle -
I get to Savannah every so often - I used to go there with one boyfriend all the time. It was kind of our place, so it was neat to go back and see it again.
Life is indeed good when everything falls into place, and when random choices inspired equally randomly comes good.
Anil P -
I agree. Thanks for stopping by!
Sounds lovely, all that family day.
And I get a bit cranky once in a while, at home. But I guess we all do, eh? :)
I like this days comments - Tom Petty with the image of the bridge is great. I'm also glad the person who made an effort to apologize came to some realizations!
Jannie -
I adore my family. And I can't imagine you being a crankypants. :)
Wendy -
Thank you - it's so good to see you back.
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