- Six men in dark suits cross a midtown street at 6:30pm and stand on the corner having a discussion, pointing this direction and that direction. They finally split off in four and two. The two walk by in this direction, smiling and loosening their ties.
Arranging a meeting by email for this morning with a potential client. A follow-up email comes back with, "Yes, and excuse us. We are very, very casual here." I answer with, "Sounds like my kind of place! :)"
Sounds like my kind of place too. I only ever do casual. :D
Good poster!
sekind, hoowooo!
now i let my jannie take ovir the kommint bizniss wile i gets my showir.
Hey, yeah, it's me taking over this comment business. ;)
Ahh, BB -- where would I be without him? :)
Geez, I didn't know you'd lived through tornadoes too, Lynn. Did you see any close by?
I remember when Kelly was 3 (and don't tell anyone, okay,) I dreamed I was on my way to pick her up from preschool and there were 13 tornadoes in the way of me and my little red Honda Civic but I made it through them all to get her!
I think guys look smart in ties, but they do suffer for their style I think.
off to find some socks now.
And the conversation was... "ok, this looks like a job for just four of us, who's buyin' the drinks tonight?"
A storm ripped through
strong winds blew
a city went down
but will come back around
Six men lost their way
they know not where to stray
Two went this four that
some loosed their ties
and then they scat
A bit too casual
it seems to me
a nudes colony
it might be
dark suits, 2 by 2's, sounds like Mormon missionaries :)
Having lived out west, I have become very causal and it was something that worried me moving back east
Casual is good :)
Sounds like my kind of place, too!
Joe -
I was over there around 10am - it was very casual. She had to go round up a chair for me to sit in and her boss was this really young body-builder looking man wearing a tight t-shirt (not that I noticed.) :)
Blue Bunny -
Hope that shower was good, BB!
Jannie -
Yes - we are in tornado alley apparently. I'm glad your tornado experience was just a dream.
The tornadoes I wrote about today happened on March 13, 2008 - I was in North Carolina visiting and watched the news most of the day. Glass flying, trees down - it was bad. The stackhouse lofts shown in the photo lost its top floor, but no was home thankfully.
happygirl -
They looked like guys in from out of town for a project and were debating dinner. You might be right about the drink buying. :) The two that came my way were the younger of the men.
Ellis -
Hee hee - I am so glad it wasn't a nudist colony. Now that would be too casual. :) Good poem!
Sage -
No - not Mormon missionaries - I can always pick them out - there is a Mormon church on the street I live on. These guys - financial men, if I had to guess.
Talon -
Casualness - my favorite. :)
Mama Zen -
North Carolina could use that sign now...
So #2 was a Reservoir Dogs reenactment? :)
I guess the tornadoes have been scary again this year- Hope most of the '08 Atlanta tornado damage has been rebounded as that place. I remember it on the news.
Strange location for a business meeting! I hear those ties are uncomfy-
Was your client wearing PJs? So that's what they call wearing tight Tshirts, eh?
I saw the name of this post at Meredith's site and had to read. I love the description of six men in dark suits...that could be a story in itself~
About the photo, it can help to use humor when things seem bleak. Crises are much easier to handle when you remember to laugh.
That meeting sounds great. It makes imagine people sitting around in Hawaiian shirts and flip flops drinking their coffee from straws hanging out a Margarita glasses:~)
Have a great Friday, Lynn!
lg -
We do seem to be in tornado alley, don't we?
Riot Kitty -
You know - I've never seen that film. Now I have to!
Snaggle -
No - just casual wear. Some sales reps walk about in suits, but not me - I usually have on some kind of knit jacket, but definitely go for comfort.
Yes - he had on a tight t-shirt. :)
Sara -
I'm glad you came by - sorry I'm so late in responding to comments - I was away from the computer much of the weekend.
Those men were interesting - the four that went "that way" were a bit older and heading toward bars and restaurants up ahead. The two younger ones were headed toward the area where there are two hotels. They might have tired of businessman company by that late in the afternoon, I think. :)
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