- Stopping by Star Provisions for take-out lunch and perusing the organic produce on display out front at the farm stand. Heirloom tomatoes already! The proprietor says a farmer in Athens, Georgia grows them in a greenhouse.
- As the cool guy writes down my order, I remark that The Tijuana Brass song "A Taste of Honey" that's playing in the background makes me think of my father, who had all their albums. Cool guy: "Here comes the best part! Wait for it, wait for it....there!" He drums along with the bass drum beat with his palm.
- Having lunch in my cubicle and ordering a Tijuana Brass CD, with a purple tomato on my desk for decoration (and later eating.) A good lunch hour. :)
Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!
And the different
of one over the other?
A beat,
a CD
and a treat
forget about
the cool guy
for your lunch
A cool guy selling heirloom tomatoes. Can it get any better? So a Cherokee Purple is sitting on your desk, wonderful. You remind me to send my check for the Summer CSA. Have a Happy Easter.
Not just a "good" lunch hour, an AMAZING lunch hour.
ooooh (Purple tomato.) How cool is that!?
I've never seen purple tomatoes!
Have a wonderful weekend Lynn!
Now, I'm in the mood from some of these, fresh and tasty (although I think it will be a while for that, here!).
The tomatoes are gorgeous. I bet they taste as awesome as they look.
I love that song - I'll be humming it all day now thanks to you and your Dad. :) I have two of their albums (my mother adored them and listened to them all the time).
Have a Happy Easter, Lynn.
Sounds like a good lunch... "A Taste of Honey" is a tune I remember from my childhood
I love how you can describe a moment and take us right there with you...with sights, smells and sounds.
You bet I'm going to search for that song on YouTube. I'm curious now.
If only I could find a purple tomato...:)
NOM! I just ate a huge dinner but as usual, your blog makes me hungry. I love heirloom tomatoes.
Happy EarthDay to you too! N a Happy Easter time!
I never heard Tijuana Brass on that tune- but remenber the Beatles Version of it.
Will you be walking to their CD?
I've never had a purple tomatoe before. How novel! It can substitute as an Easter egg...
(Happy Aster too!, n a great Week-end)
Everyone -
Here's a delightful video of The Tijuana Brass playing A Taste of Honey on the Beach. Ily mentioned looking for a video on You Tube and there was a really great one!
Ellis -
Heirloom tomatoes do seem to come in a variety of colors - I'm sure the flavors vary, but I don't really know. :) I'm just happy to have tomatoes so early.
happygirl -
A Cherokee Purple - what a pretty name.
Granny Annie [
It was amazing - thank you. I loved it.
lg -
It's going to have a avocado and maybe some fresh mozzerella with it later today. :)
Joe -
Thank you and hope you have a great weekend, too.
Lance -
Yes - I remember how far north you are. You'll get there. These were grown in a greenhouse though.
Talon -
Dad would like that you were humming it all day.
Sage -
It's a great tune, isn't it?
Ily -
I hope you found it - if not, I posted a link on my first comment. The best video ever.
RK -
Nom is right. :)
Snaggle -
I might just load that up on my ipod when it comes. Those albums are still at the house, I think (house is for sale and sadly, mostly empty.) I might see if I get them.
I hope your Easter is happy, too.
Heirloom Tomatoes. What a nice label. Red, and the shape. That's new to me. Seems like a wonderful lunch hour.
how does that purple 1 taste?
(still need you address to send you your consolation prize)
happee eastir!!
I like purpil tomatoes and Teeahwanna Brass too. my favrit song by them and herb alpert is flamingo.
stay kute!!
me, BB
ooh, that cool guy sounds really cool!
Oh, purple tomatoes already! I'm in awe. Nothing could beat that, not even the bass drum, surely. The combo sounds divine. :)
Happy belated Easter and Earth Day, Lynn!
Anil -
That's what I love about blogging - that we can learn about food and landmarks from other cultures. I'm glad you come by.
Paige -
It tasted good. See blog today. :)
Blue Bunny -
You stay cute, too!
Wendy -
He's the kind of employee that makes me want to go back there. :)
Meredith -
Greenhouse grown, but very tasty. I hope you had a lovely Easter, too!
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