- Attending the International Poultry Expo at the World Congress Center in Atlanta to check in on two clients. There were 18,000 people in attendance and miles and miles of exhibits - all about poultry. My favorite - a poultry processing group from Kentucky who enthusiastically invited me to come back at 4pm for Irish dancing and beer.
- A funny thing: the networking function at the expo had pretty good food: taco fixings, meatballs, cheese and shrimp. No poultry in sight.
- Driving home at the end of a memorable week, reflecting how beautiful my lit up city looks at night.
And I guess the chickens at Beef-Filet would say Eat Mor Kow??
I know - right?
Poultry expo.
Hmmmm....at least that's a lot better than the usual car/boat/home expos that go on up here.
Except for the Big E in September.
OK Georgie - what is the Big E?
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